I just got home from a relaxing weekend. I spent time with Sarah and Felipe good friends of mine from school. They took me to Felipe's uncles farm where there is a huge orchard of tangerines and other fruits such as bannanas and oranges. From the house the orchard is seen in every direction, a really beautiful place it is. A swing set is set out in front of the driveway, as well as a huge advocado tree. The house was built for many visiters which is shown by the length, filled with large corridors and rooms to serve the abundant family. While I was there many other family members of Felipe came as well, like a bus full of 10 year old boys. They spent most of there time playing soccer in the back yard. I enjoyed my time by learning how to make carrot cake and orderves special to Minas Gerais, as well as conversing with Felipe's family. Most of all just soaking up pure quality time to relax. I read books and ate a ton of tangerines. Saturday night Felipe let me help him do the barbecue which is one of the most popular traditions in Brasil. Churrasco (barbecue) is usually made by the chief of the house but as I was the guest and wanted to learn, they let me throw in my own spice as well.
It was a short trip of two nights, and we had a lot of fun.